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The Cats Meow Silverton Scavenger Hunt

· scavenger hunts,Taos,silverton,narrow gauge railroad durango silverton,things to do

Ready for a high mountain adventure in the otherworldy and completely unique small town of Silverton Colorado in this epic scavenger hunt?

I had been thinking of Silverton for a scavenger hunt as I already host one in Durango, which is nearby.. There is a narrow gauge railroad which offers a very popular and gorgeous train ride form Durango to Silverton daily and I wondered if Silverton would make a good scavenger hunt.

You might think after 6 years of designing hunts I could make every place that is interesting work, but its not so.. for you the hunter, I only want to host hunts that I can be pretty darn sure will be a 5 star experience. For that reason as amazing as the Grand Canyon is with tons of incredible history and stories, for a number of reasons it doesn't make a good scavenger hunt, as least not one I have full confidence in..

anyway back to Silverton- the verdict was yes, this will work, after an investiagtive journey there Wednesday.

There are a number of considerations because the small town gets absolutely jammed with people when the train arrives.For that reason, I am recommending my hunters take the bus one way up from Durango. This will allow an earlier arrival time, and a less crowded downtown to start. The resturants get slammed with long lines so I suggest bringing a sandwich or to go food on the train from Durango, and then hit the hunt on arrival and stop at a local place for a meal or ice cream or a drink after the hunt to celebrate and share stories of your adventure.

My hunt there is twice a day 11:15 for bus and car arrivals and 1.30 for train arrivals.